Wednesday, October 7

A long-awaited cookout in October

After months, our cookout returned with a bang - this usually happens after months of hiatus as everyone seems to put in their 120%. It is nice having people over, and more so, because it helps our very shy Firstborn warm up to people. Yes, it was a relief to not have him burst into tears when our friends coo over him. 

Homemade Baba Ganoush - recipe up soon

Zhu's crab, corn, cherry tomatoes and avocado salad

Esther's Sayur Lodeh and Ayam Buah Keluak 

My version of "Pok Pok" chicken

Another of Esther's contribution - Pear tart

Complete with vanilla ice cream

More sweets for my sweets

It's quite funny how my threenager kept telling me, "Mama, tomorrow, my friends are coming over... I bought a cake for them." 

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